
Jenson "Fig" Newton, Founder and Head of School of Empigo Academy, launched the concept of the Bible-based tech and vocational in 2022 by the leading of the Lord. Inspired to provide a unique structure of education for secondary students, the journey began. He and his wife Shawnda have been working in ministry in the Des Moines community since 2017 and felt that this was the next stage of ministry. Fig Graduated from Simpson College with his Bachelor's in Business Management. He is currently enrolled in Liberty University, pursuing his Master's of Education. Fig is currently one of the directors of the urban sports camp, Kids Across America, where he leads the high school Leadership Development arm. Fig lives by the Master Jesus' teaching of "seek first the kingdom of God, and all of his righteousness, and all things will be added onto you"; and is motivated to obey the Great Commission of "go therefore make disciples of all nations."